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漫人的个人空间 http://www.smallstation.net/?19 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • 漫人: 不过据本漫近期观察,魔都地铁里,十有八七乘客手上拿的是烂水果;帝都地铁里十有五六;回到南京,同学聚会时那就什么杂牌都有了。 (9-23 22:59)
  • 漫人: 最有意思的是老师发来的会动的特殊效果照片,俺的烂水果居然不能看,说软件不支持,老师用的是华为。 (9-23 23:01)
  • alsoRun: A friend is an avid Apple fan. Three of us went to lunch past Thursday. I was surprised to learn that his shinny iPhone has only one GB of ram. (9-24 07:24)
  • alsoRun: He just ordered iPhone 8plus with 2 GB of Ram. My $200 Windows phone has 4 GB and the other friend's $400 Android phone also has 4 GB. (9-24 07:26)
  • panda: My Nexus 6p has 3gb ram. But sometimes the camera is really slow. But iPhone camera seems much faster (9-24 08:52)
  • 666: I'm not an Apple fan, but I think resources consumed and work done are two different things. (9-24 15:22)
  • alsoRun: They are closely related, however. You need enough RAM to multi task effectively. There is no way around it. (9-24 17:19)
  • alsoRun: My friend spent $700 on his current i-phone and he found it slow in general performance. (9-24 17:22)
  • 漫人: 应该跟系统有关系,苹果的iOS好像效率更高。 (9-24 21:17)
  • alsoRun: cannot be that higher, lol. (9-24 21:33)
  • blue: 昨天去看了一下,我是准备换的, 结果看了没找出要买的理由。等等X看 (9-24 09:25)
  • 漫人: 终于开始审美疲劳,找不出要买的迫切理由了。 (9-24 21:18)
2017-9-23 10:56 PM 回复|


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